Registration Procedure of Graduate Studies, the Second Semester of Academic Year 2021 (For Current Students)
พฤศจิกายน 12, 2021
Guidelines for writing abstracts (Thesis and Independent Studies for Doctoral Degree and Master Degree)
เมษายน 4, 2023Instructions for Submitting Dissertations, Thesis and Independent Studies are following details
1. A completed book of dissertations, thesis or independent studies for the Office of Graduate Studies (Students are required to submit one complete book of their thesis to the Office of Graduate Studies and another book to the Faculty, following the specific number provided by the Faculty).
2. Students must submit the contents of their dissertations, theses, or independent studies to gradthesis@rmutt.ac.th via email.
The content file of dissertations, theses, and independent studies must same as the complete version book and be saved as a .pdf file. To ensure proper recording of data, please divide the contents and file names as follows.
Front Cover | 01_cov.pdf |
Title Page | 02_tit.pdf |
Approval Page | 03_apv.pdf |
Abstract (Thai and English) | 04_abs.pdf |
Acknowledgement | 05_ack.pdf |
Table of Contents | 06_tbc.pdf |
Chapter 1 | 07_ch1.pdf |
Chapter 2 | 07_ch2.pdf |
Chapter 3 | 07_ch3.pdf |
Chapter 4 | 07_ch4.pdf |
Chapter 5 | 07_ch5.pdf |
Bibliography | 08_bib.pdf |
Appendix | 09_app.pdf |
Biography | 10_bio.pdf |
Please specify these detail in the Email.
Student ID……………………………………………………
Thesis title (Thai)………………………………………………….
Thesis title (English)………………………………………………
Degree title…………………………………………………………..
Program in……………………………………………………………….